Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Intro Dive at Planet Dive Beach Resort, Anilao Batangas Philippines

Mountaineering has been my staple weekend activity and I must say it has been quite addicting because it gives me another, literally wider perspective of the land down it. Today, a workmate just got me sold to diving.

It was 2 month rough when i moved to this new company, and, during lunchtimes, i'd always spot a workmate scrolling through on her tablet.

pre dive instructions

I thought she was scrolling through some pictures from the web, but when she told me about it, she was actually the one who's taken it. That's when I began my preliminary interview. Nevertheless, we ended up agreeing to join in on her next dive in a beach resort in Anilao, Batangas.

Luckily, with just a month so far, there I am..

It was initially planned for Bauan Beach, but last minute announcement came that it is being moved to Anilao, Batangas. I didn't really care..for all i know, right?

We drove into Planet Dive Beach Resort which seems to have been a frequent destination for the dive master and my colleague.

notes about wearing the gear right in the beach in Anilao Batangas

I was going to have my intro dive but since it was quite windy and the current's a bit strong, i had to do snorkelling for the morning (which wasn't a bad idea at all) and leave them with what have they.

about to kick off the dive in Anilao Batangas

Honestly, this is probably the first time i'll be swimming still at a depth of 15 feet. But having had some daring shots at steep ridges, what have i left to fear?

there we go with the dive in Anilao, batangas

and a turtle on my first dive in Anilao, Batangas

Snorkelling itself was absolutely amazing. I was stunned by how thick the corals were just along the shores of anilao, batangas. It was the first time i had seen live those fishes I see only in windows screensaver.

moving forward

By the afternoon, i had my shot on the dive. Had a 10-15 minute briefing, and off we left. Dive master David instructed that i just go steady and that he'll steer and control my BCD. He'd point to some creatures once in a while, including a sea turtle that was staring at me as if it''s a curious passerby.

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I barely noticed it was half hour gone, until i lost sight of the corals. That time i could only wish he'd steer me back, or do anoter one after a short break, and even leave me play around myself for a few minutes. But, that's all that the intro dive is about. Surely saving for an open water license soon.

I spent, all in all, P2,855 for this intro dive. P1500 for intro dive itself care of David. Then the rest goes to Planet Dive resort. That included the food, 1st tank, dive fee and pass, and a P533 share for the boat (1600 for the whole one).


  1. U should.. Im trying to save for my open water license now..medyo mahal kasi..
