Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bukilat Cave, Tudela, Cebu

Marker heading to Bukilat Cave

When I've first seen a picture of Bukilat cave from the flyer given to us by the Municipal Tourism office, and having yet to check the callao caves in the North, Bukilat cave has been in my priority list for places to check in camotes island.

Entrance to Bukilat Cave

Some Huts next to the Bukilat Cave for Tourists

Since I was already in Santiago (see iti/preceding story here), it was a long habal habal ride to Tudela which is in the opposit side of the Island. Nevertheless, the experience was worth it. Unlike the other caves, it has several chambers which allows bigger groups to pass together.

Since it also have a number of openings, you don't get that difficulty of breathing when in enclosed spaces.

getting in Bukilat Cave

First Chamber in Bukilat Cave

Another Chamber in Bukilat Cave

Bukilat Cave in another Ange

Bukilat Cave in another angle

Excerpt from the Marker says:

Bukilat Cave is an underground cave located at Barangay Mc Arthur which was formerly known as the Village of Mandayang.
It is 6kms away from the town proper traversing along the provincial road, and then forked left traversing along a 0.25 km barangay road.
It was named after the person who first inhabited the area and was believed to have come from Bohol.

It used to be the hiding place of the inhabitants during the Battle of the Japanese Armada and the American navey between Camotes and Leyte Sea.
Through the fforts of the late Rev. Fr. Joseph M.H. Wiertz, MSC, Bukilat Cave was developed inthe 70s. Students from Immaculate Conception Institute (a secondary school founded by said parish priest in 1963) used to have their YCAP at Bukilat Cave to clean and beautify the place.
It was during his time as Parish Priest that masses and other sacraments were also celebrated in the cave.

The cave has interesting formations, the stalagmites, and water dripping from the statacties.
It is unique for its seven natural windows that allow light to seep through to brighten the cave naturally.
A poll of brackish water rises when tide is high and ebbs when tide is low.

Camotes cookies vendor in Bukilat Cave
*Entrance fee to the cave is P10
*see the full itinerary here.

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