Sunday, June 24, 2012

Camotes Island, Cebu

Bakhaw Beach in Camotes Island

Timubo Cave in Camotes island

Bukilat Cave in Camotes Island

One of my travel friends has recommended this island to be included in my cebu trip. While I did not have concrete facts about travel in this island, I took the chance since I’ve heard about this island several times.

Santiago Port

San Francisco Port

Poro Port

I did not have much time to research about this destination, but I knew, the locals around are better alternative to google. Nevertheless, I at least printed the how-to-get there part of some blogs.

Buho Rock Resort

Elevated view of Buho Rock Resort

Cliff diving in Buho Rock Resort

Buho Rock Resort

My namual says the boat to camotes island leaves 11am; I woke up late in Malapascua, and reached the Danao Port by 12. I thought I missed it. Luckily,, there is one more ferry that gets to Camotes, though not through the Consuelo port, but to the other ports, JUNMAR lines. 

Carlito's pizza in Camotes Island

Julie's bakeshop. They're everywhere in Camotes. All three towns have it. Next to Julie's (if you notice) is the makeshift acoustic bar

Buho public market at night; awaiting my barbeque

It was 12:30 when the ferry left, and about 3:30 when we got to PORO port in Guho. From there, after a meeting with the municipal mayor, we were dropped to Buho Rock Resort where we spent the night.
Then, there’s a shuttle bus that leaves Guho and heads to Consuelo at 4am, so we woke up 3:30, and immediately walked towards the Guho-San Fran highway. It was quarter to 5am when the bus arrived and 5:30 when we arrived in Consuelo.

Santiago Beach in Camotes Island

The resorts in Santiago Bay, Camotes Island; clue: Notice they don't have a beachfront

Some 'eat by the bay'

huts in Santiago Bay, Camotes Island

From there, several habal drivers offering their services, but, I thought, we might be able to get a better deal with the roaming habal drivers around town. From the port, we walked inland, but the offer was the same. P500 for a daytour. Instead, we took the P50/head offer for Santiago Beach (where they say I can get a rental motorbike).

Lake Danao in San Francisco, Camotes island, cebu

"Sakanaw" rafting rates in Lake Danao, San Francisco, Camotes Island, Cebu

Hut under construction in Lake Danao, San Francisco, Camotes Island, Cebu

Shortly after we arrived in Santiago and some pictures, some habal services came again; But again, the price still won’t fit in my practical rate. Just before I walked towards the resorts, another habal services offered to rent his motorbike for P300. I agreed as I thought the price is OK if I were to drive all the way to GUHO again. The driver also offered that he drive instead which was better so i wont have to fuzz on directions, and that he can give me ideas on where the best places are.

Our first stop is Lake Danao (P15/head). Lake Danao offers paddling P100/head for 45mins. There is also a bigger balsa for bigger groups. There are crocodiles in the lake though so I’m not sure how fun that is, considering the size of the lake.

Bukilat Cave in Tudela, Cebu Camotes Island

After Lake Danao, we dropped LAKAD back to Consuelo, and then we head straight to Tudela for Bukilat Cave (see separate entry here for Bukilat Cave ). It took us a while to get here as we had to take a meal stop in san fran town.

Entry to the Timubo Cave in Santiago, Camotes Island, Cebu

Getting through the Timubo cave in Santiago, Camotes Island, Cebu

Another passageway towards the Pool in Tumbo Cave in Camotes Island

The Pool in Timubo Cave, Camotes island, Cebu

After Bukilat, we head over to Timubo cave. The cave is about 50 stairs steps down with small cavity, so getting in is a bit of a challenge. You’ll have to bend forward on your way in. There are lights inside so no need to worry about coursing through. Inside, the pool is about 5 foot deep. And considering how ‘within’ this cave is, I found it hard to breath inside. They’ve also put some kind of grotto inside which, I thought, was an eyesore for the “natural” attraction.

my habal habal in bakhaw beach, santiago, camotes island, cebu

more of bakhaw beach, in camotes island, cebu

bakhaw beach in camotes island, cebu

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bakhaw beach in camotes island, cebu

bakhaw beach in camotes island, cebu

bakhaw beach in camotes island, cebu

From Timubo, we head next to Bakhaw beach. The entrance charge was only P5 and since we did not have too much time, it wasn’t necessary to get a P150 cottage. Amongst all the beaches we’ve been too in Camotes, I thought this was the best. No much developments, so everything looks great in place. There is one resort in the vicinity though it did not seem to have any guest as it is not as popular just yet as Santiago white beach and Mongodlong. Apparently though, this is what I’d consider the best beach visited at that time

Mongodlong beach resort in Camotes Island, Cebu

After Bakhaw, since we still had an hour to go, we thought about checking out Mongodlong. Since it was a resort, it did not have that much appeal to me, but for the sake of seeing what it was, we proceeded. They charge P15 for wak in guests, but their facilities look great. I especially like their huts on the beach corner. They also have volleyball court for the sporty guests.

my wet clothes awaiting their boarding time in Consuelo Port

Church fronting the Danao Port in Danao, Cebu

Thereafter, we head back to Santiago for lunch some rest, and more pictures. Then, I asked to be dropped back to Consuelo port for departure.
(see full itinerary here).

*In Santiago beach, entrance charge was P15/head but the collector isn’t around just yet at that time.
*Each house in the island, as an alternative to house numbers, have the homeowner’s name printed in a board hung on the gate.
*My corteous habal habal service Jessie, may be contacted at 09493917831. It’s actually her sister’s mobile so just ask to be transferred. I spent P520 for his service all in all, including Gas (exclusive of his meals). Other Habal habal services offered P500 for a whole day tour though im not sure if that would have included those places in BUHO. Negotiate with Jessie for P500 (shared by 2 passengers) whole day tour including Bukilat Cave. Don’t ever miss that in your itinerary.

*Contact nos for Mongodlong beach are 032-3163352/3458599/3446899/4203385 09173290563. Interim rates are P1K for non aircon, and P1.3K for aircon, both 2-4pax. Additional person is 200 for non AC, and P300 for AC. Cash basis only. The resort next to it “Paradise XXXX”, didn’t quite catch the name, seems to have a better beach and rooms.

1 comment:

  1. wow! these are great beaches. i love them.^^, I am looking forward to visit these beaches soon. thanks for posting.
