Saturday, August 17, 2013

Climbing Mt Cinco Picos

Back in our disaster climb in nagsasa 2 years back, I've come to know about the water sources in the neighboring mountains; especially with what they said was a water basin at the summit of balingkilat. I have a biased interest for such convenient water supple mountains, thus I've maintained a solid interest with mt balingkilat and cinco picos; The latter's name, being hispanic-sounding also makes it enticing for me; So, when I saw an event for my group for this mountain, I immediately hit going; Besides, it's been a while since my last climb and my legs are itching some heights.

Then again, just weeks before the event, the organizer had backed out due to some school requirements; and having no back up plan for the date, and considering the thrill i have for this mountain, i thought about taking the lead.

The group agreed to meet in victory liner cubao terminal at 2:30 to catch the first trip to olongapo at 3. While some of us had been in the terminal as early as 1am, no one thought about buying the tickets right away. By the time we were going to get our tickets, all seats in the first trip are all booked! Dang..

So, it was already half past 3 when we left, and when we reached the first (Petron) fuel pump just after the NLEX toll, we were being flagged by the first trip bus. Broke! All passengers of that trip had to stand in our bus aisle (thank God we missed buying tickets early).

We reached olongapo before 7am, and as soon as we got there, although the plan was to take d bus to subic town, i thought about canvassing for a chartered service.

Just like what the blog said, subic-castillejos (blue) jeep were asking for 2500. I walked around and asked elsewhere. I got to a van terminal (olongapo-dau) and asked.. (.. And spoke in kapampangan to affiliate) how much to be dropped in cawag. I was asked P800. Not so bad huh?

So i called in the rest of the gag and off we were to cawag. In less than an hour, we were already in the cawag entrance; Pointed out the way to sitio martin, and as we move further around the twists and turns, i could read the driver's regret of giving that price. So, by the time we reached sitio martin, before he even ask for an additional, i told him we're giving 100 extra (totals 900).

The guides have approached us, and I asked for Marvin, our designated guide, the only guide who agreed for P600 (and its a long story of how i ended up getting that price, had to raise several arguments on several calls with a few people.

Anyhow, it was already almost 9am when we left. By around 11am, we came by an aeta household and decided to prepare lunch and have a break there. There was a river stream next to their house, and so i took a dip, while the rest were having a nap. We resumed the trek at 2pm, and reached the campsite at 5:30. There was again a micro water source in the campsite so i cleaned up (an i really love it when after a lot of sweating, i can wash and soap up; though the morning after, i saw a small frog dipped in the water).

The nextday, we traversed to silanguin cove. We broke camp at past 8 and got to the beachfront at 1pm.

Our guide Marvin, may be contacted at +63 915 328 7285. Please prepare provisions for food for the guide. They also dont have tents, so pls have another solo available.

Total paid fees is 40. 20 for brgy cawag and another 20 for sitio martin. Instead of stopping by brgy cawag, you may pay both fees (P40) at once in sitio martin

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