Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Where we ate in Cagayan De Oro City

Havent had a good meal yet since the night before, and upon arriving from the airport, we head straight to white water rafting in this ambush travel.

Our white water rafting operator asked us for our plans, and we informed them we'll have some lunch after. 

They then recommended this buffet for P220.

While it was past 1 already when we entered the restaurant, and while not all food warmers were filled up, it seems they have enough serving of everything they offered in the buffet. 

Upon seeing the dishes, i did not feel like having a buffet. Instead, i asked for te menu.

Unfortunately though, each dish cost a minimum of P150, so, for a difference of P70, i thought I am better off with the buffet. I can just chow on the crabs.

A serious 1 hour of slow eating but I didn't think it was worth the P220. Nothing beats the P185 and P120 buffets in baler. They may not be comparable, considering the geography, but, if i were to be asked, i'd rather eat elsewhere.

Just my 2cents. You're free to try ;-). I saw an ad of our tour operator for the white water rafting, and I think they may be owned by 2 close folks, hence the referral.

Still not sure where to stay in CDeO? I Posted photos here and here of where I stayed.
and here's for how to commute from laguindingan airport to city proper
Then, here's my post on our White Water Rafting Activity

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