After a whole day tour of the hundred islands, during dinner, i was asked what our activity is for the next day. I have told the peeps there isn't but to wait until our scheduled departure time which is 12noon.
I could tell that they want more so offered tambobong beach, which would just be less than 2 hours away from Alaminos.
We left at 9am, and reached tambobong almost noontime. I wasn't expecting tambobong to be as clear as my very firt visit years before, but colibra and cabacungan will always be worth it.
Surprisingly, tambobong beach is back in its greatness. The community started a livelihood on dried seaweed, thus the beach is back to being very clear.
Meanwhile, we had to start with the boat tour right away so we can go to all te possible sights we want. Our fisrt stop was the cabacungan cave. Again, from the cave, we swam out to the open, to climb up the rock and get ino a hole we could jump through to the cave pool.
Some latter visitors saw us do it, so followed us, and did exactly as we did.
After cabacungan, we head next to colibra island. As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by a group, which I happily greeted back. The next scenes are just as common. I sat with them to help them out with their Emperador Brandy. The group (my new frieds) were locals of dasol who had done a sunday picnic to the island.
At first, they planned in staying until the night, but was surprised that they left early ahead of us; And i'd say they were the happiest drunk fellows of the day.
We too left immediately after they did as we're starving. Nanay precy have prepared already for our lunch, so it was just chow chow time for me when I arrived (and they pulled some coconuts for me too).
And if I may just add, this is the first time i've seen a manta jump off the water. Im used to dolphins and flying fishes do shows while sailing, but not a manta. Facing the sea while waiting my turn for the brandy, I was surprised at some jelly creature coming quickly out of the water to a heaight of 1.5feet. I was told it's a pagui.. Whew ;-)
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