Friday, March 7, 2014

Surprise Visit to Hillock's Restaurant

Everytime I visit Baler, I can't help but stare at this house that's just along the hi way. I once told myself, I gotta stop and sit in this log house one of these days.

This weekend, I intended to just tie my hammock and stare the whole day at Pantabangan dam. 

We arrived at 4am in Intang, where the fish dealers are and at 10, as it was too hot at that side, we decided to check out the Dam proper.

We passed by the loghouse, and as it said it is a coffee shop, we decided to sit for a while. 

We were served by the daughters of the designer. As we were told, the designer, their mom, is actually a masscom graduate who happen to love design. 

They currently hold functions in this restaurant, and plan to offer bed and breakfast later this year. 

Such a cozy retreat. Well recommended for a layover for driving tourists to baler.

Parking is available behind the building :-)

don't forget to sign the guestbook in case you're visiting :-)

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