Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 11 (May 5, 2014) of the #limbonisASIA trip: Southwards Koh Lanta Yei

Given 2 hours extension from my supposed 11am return of the motorbike, i drove towards south to maximize.

I was supposed to drive to the beaches to the south, but I missed on the turn to right. 

Looking at the maps it seemed like I'll just have to drive straight. I was just surprised when all of a sudden, the directions were showing old town.

It wasn't bad anyway as the old town is another of the destinations proposed by tourism.

After old town, I still had some more time, turned where I was supposed to have turned, and checked out whatever beach i could fit in my time.

Then, I was back in the hostel at 1pm.

The guys were just ready to leave on their motobikes too, headed to exactly where I planned to go anyway; To the south beaches.

I rode from Tony's bike. We got into some abandoned beach, and bummed for a few hours.

In the evening, there were some flyers for some party at some bar called Dong's. Me and the indian guest Jishnu checked it out; The other girls were also asking to see it for us. 

I did not have dinner yet, so asked Jishnu to go ahead to the girls, while I search for some dinner. 

When the owner found out that I was a Filipino, he invited me over for karaoke. I've wanted to see what kind of karaoke they have around, so went with him, and let the rest go to Dong's.

Then again, he brought me to those karaoke, where, the activity is not really singing, but rather just a segway to get girls. I wouldn't detail what happened as I wasn't interested.

Meantime, when I asked him about the islands, he asked if I wanted to go. He happen to own a booking office for tours, and was offering the 900baht tour to the 4islands for 600... Not bad! lolz lolz 

Brunch: 50Baht
Fuel: 50Baht
7-11 (coffee + cigarette): 86
Share in Fuel: 20 baht
Dinner: 70Baht
Another dinner: 50Baht
Beer: 130

Total for Today: 436Baht

This post is part of the #limbonisASIA tripSee here for detailed expenses and more info

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