Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Don't Book: DIY from Krabi/Trang to Langkawi, Malaysia or vice versa

Some destinations are flocked by tourists, not just because of the natural appeal of the destination, but sometimes the comfort and convenience offered by the destination. For backpackers, we don't care how long nor how hard it may take, so long as it saves some money, but for tourists, they will be willing to spend so much, just to save them the time and energy. They have limited time, and they can't waste much.

Well, that's a lot to introduce how to go from Krabi to Langkawi, right?

Here's what you do. In Krabi, from town, take the Song Teo (can't even remember how that spelt as there's so much vowel on a 2 syllable word) to the terminal. I found them near the mangrove bay, near River view Hotel, colored Red. Fare to Terminal is 25Baht.

From Terminal, there's only one operator for the Krabi to Satun Trip. Fare is 243Baht.

(Not sure if its common, but the bus is packed when i hopped; It seemed like a double decker but the lower deck is just for baggage and toilet; And there was no space for me but next to the toilet door and I haven't eaten anything that day, just how horrible). 

The bus will pass by and do 1 meal stop in Trang. It will take around 2hours and 20 mins to reach Trang. 

Upon reaching Trang, look for the buddhist temple. Near the temple is a 7-11 where there is a song teo goingg to Tammalang pier. Fare is 30Baht. Travel time is about 20 mins, though song teo will kind of fill up the seats before leaving.

Upon reaching the Pier, queue up for the Sattun-Langkawi pier and hand over passport. Fare is 300Baht or 30MYR plus 1MYR embarcation fee. 

After which, queue up in the immigration to stamp out and board the ferry. Ferry normally leaves around 20-30 minutes behind schedule.

In case you're doing the other way around, right at the Satun Pier, there will be buses waiting for passengers to Trang/Krabi and I even Bangkok.

You may want to consider a night in Satun. Such a quiet town, will all sorts of cafes, restaurants, though none seems to speak english, but yeah, it's just too peaceful. You may see OMUDSUK Hotel (see separate post) for somewhere cheap to stay.

This post is part of the #limbonisASIA tripSee here for detailed expenses and more info


  1. Wow, this is a good alternative to hatyai-krabi leg. Btw its Songthaew. :P

    1. Could hardly pronounce the second syllable so can hardly spell it too ;-)
