Saturday, March 21, 2015

SULOng SULU: The Boloboc Science and Technology High School Toilet

Balabac Science and Technology High School 

Reports of Urinary Tract Infection and Cutting classes among students are some of what were thought to be effects of not having a toilet in the Bolobac National High School in Sanga Sanga, Tawi Tawi. This is one of the requests from the meeting we had when we visited the school.

I planned on starting fundraising for this project only around May, though I have requested my constituents to ready a plan including a costing so I can be ready immediately after the preceding projects. Weeks after the visit, two days ago, 18 March, I received the layout.

Tonight, my messenger randomly pops up for a donation to the Renovation Project for Tandu Dagmay Primary School in Patikul, Sulu. I said our pledges for the project are almost complete, but donor said to keep it for future projects. Then the toilet project popped in Mind.

While the fund available from that donation is just a fifth of the required budget, it is easier than starting from nil. So, here i am again. Just when I keep telling myself that I got to halt temporarily from these outreach projects, I am pushing a new one.

So.. yes.. We are building the toilet for Boloboc Science and Technology High School  this July 2015 :-). It was initially planned for May, but since we want to get the parents of the kids involved in the construction, i decided to wait until the opening of classes. Besides, I need to gather more funds to complete the construction. 

plan for Balabac Science and Technology High School toilet

5 Plywood pieces Php470 Php2,350
5 Roof pieces Php380 Php1,900
30 Cement bags Php290 Php8,700
15 Still 12mm Php195 Php2,925
200 Sand Gravel sacks Php0 Php0
20 Rock for Flooring sacks Php0 Php0
2 Toilet Bowl pcs Php780 Php1,560
2 Door Knob pcs Php280 Php560
4 Hinges pairs Php95 Php380
7 Lumber 2x3x10 Php560 Php3,920
10 Lumber 2x2x10 Php700 Php7,000
4 Lumber 2x6x10 Php1,000 Php4,000
4 Lumber 1x6x10 Php500 Php2,000
1 Roof Nail 1 kg Php105 Php105
1 Nail 2 inches Php60 Php60
1 Nail 3 inches Php60 Php60
2 Nail 4 inches Php60 Php120
1 Roof Paint 1 gal Php700 Php700
4 Paint 4 gals Php580 Php2,320
50 Tiles 50 pcs 12x12 Php55 Php2,750
Grand Total Php41,410

Ms Martinez 10,000 10,000
Ms Ann Somera of Holcim Cement
Add'l Fund Req'd Php22,710

For Donations:

Bank Code: 010040018
Account Number: 2439 1558 52
Name on Account: Joseph Ian Macalino

Via Paypal 
Email Address:

Suggested in PHP currency to minimize devaluations. In third world, every cent counts J. Otherwise, USD will be fine.


  1. Hi, Ian, how are you?! I am so sorry to hear about the students and their illness. During your mission in building a safe and toileting area, what are some other healthcare issues are the students facing or has poverty cause concerning other healthcare problems.

    1. Hi, I have received the feedback that there has can a case/cases of UTI and that because of the school's proximity to the student's houses and the lack of toilets, because students have to walk home, and we are talking of kilometers sometimes to use a toilet, some students feel lazy about coming back to school after. About government support, this is in fact why I am doing these projects, so we can supplement government efforts :-). Have I approached the government for this project? no.. i thought that there is no need as I can do it on my own. Plus, that is in fact why we are doing private citizen intervention, either their neglect or lack of resources.

  2. Hey how are you? I hope all is well...I have a question. In facing educational inequalities that you've seen throughout your outreach in terms of that country what is education equity and excellence? What is education equity and excellence consist of where you are and in that country?
