Monday, April 27, 2015

Pikit Coffee: My best Philippine Coffee So far

Just as much as the frustration of international travellers to Philippines, it is a regret that 'real' coffee is not a standard as it is in other countries; Rarely do you find people looking for real and organic coffee. The 3-in-1 instants have been an acquired taste, and to a regret, even some smaller restaurants sell only this acid junk.

To get real coffee, then, the solution is rather to settle on espresso coffee of famous brands where you pay rather for the store space, design, and for the length of time that customers tend to stay. Or, it would have been too gourmet that you could not even tell it is coffee at all.
While the Philippines was a big coffee producer longggg long time back, at the moment, only a few spots actually grow coffee: Benguet/Mountain Province, Batangas, Sulu, and what I’d like to tag as my favorite, Cotabato.

Batangas coffee is the perfect wake up coffee with its strong bitterness over thin solution. Benguet/Mountain Province coffee tend to be lax in flavor, but is great enough for those times where you'd just like to sip through something hot and bitter. It does not seem to affect (or at least much of) your adrenaline too.   For a while, the SULU (Kahwa) coffee has been my favorite until I got to visit a local in Datu Saudi, Maguindanao who served me their native coffee.

Compared to the Sulu coffee, this coffee is served with some thickness, and further, hence, with more flavor. The bitterness tends to be a bland vietnamese chocolatey coffee.

Want to try this coffee? Go to the LimbonisStore to purchase this coffee.

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