Monday, October 26, 2015

A day for the Panti Asuhan Muhammadiya in Padang, Indonesia

From the funds we gathered out of the ice cream sales, the next was to do the feeding activity.

Considering everyone’s availability, we have scheduled the outreach date to be 25 October. 

Days before the event, I have come back to the Orphanage to confirm our arrival on the 25th, and this time they want us prepare for 60 people (as opposed to 35 which they have initially told us). Nevertheless, if we are cooking the food, then this number is achievable.

Everything in the preparation side went well, and we ran on schedule. We have prepared all the ingredients day before, and so, thanks to my peers too who I’ve invited to help out in the cooking, given that we had to cook 3 dishes for 60 people in 3 hours, we managed to get things done on time.

During the meal, we ate by hands in a boodle, and sat between then. 

We put a portion for Introduction to establish comfort and to be sure that the boys aren’t shy to play our games. For the games, the boys especially enjoyed the passing of the water balloon through fabric. We played with them too, and not just anchor the games. 

After finishing the games, we had a little snack. After which, we gave our final message and appreciation and left to give way for their afternoon prayer.

Thanks to my co-participants at the UNAND Dharmasiswa 2015-2016, Cicilia Elviani who has lend her time despite her overly busy schedule, as well as her house and utensils, and other friends who has pledged support for this outreach event. Many many thanks.

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