Monday, February 29, 2016

SULOngSULU: Chemistry Lab materials for Boloboc National High School in Tawi Tawi

Earlier this year, we have received a request through friend Khen Kaming, a resident of Bongao, Tawi Tawi for the provision of Chemistry Lab materials for Boloboc National high school.

I have visited this school more than a year back, and surely, they have a room called Laboratory, but back then, it was but dust inside.

After the call on facebook for the lab materials, we have received response from a friend Minie Gela based in Qatar (PHP3,000), a facebook acquaintance Ms Lei Dy Capinig (PHP5,000), an OFW in Taiwan, and Maria Isabel (PHP1500) of Giving Is Receiving. Plus, to complete our initial purchase plan, Ma'am Weng adding up another P1,500.

Out of this money, we were able to purchase:

2 Aspirator   40.00/pc 80
1 Bunsen Burner,5/16"/Tube,Std MXD Gas 350.00/pc 350
1 Burette Clamp, Sngl, Rnd,PlastisolCoated  300.00/pc 300
2 Evaporating Dish, 74mm diam 90.00/pc 180
1 Capillary Tubes 140.00/pack 140
1 Support Ring w/Clamp, 5"Diam, Cast Iron  150.00/pc 150
1 Crucible Triangle, 50cm 120.00/pc 120
1 Ring Stand, Base w/Rod,  5x8"base,20"rod 400.00/pc 400
2 Test Tube Holder 20.00/pc 40
2 Test Tube Rack, PP 250.00/pc 500
2 Thermometer, Student Tot -20 to 110 deg  150.00/pc 300
2 Wire Gauze with Ceramic Center 10/pk 20.00/pc 40
1 Beaker Stand for Micro Burner 140.00/pc 140
1 Mortar and Pestle, 75mm 180.00/pc 180
1 Crucible Tongs 150.00/pc 150
1 Filter paper 12.5cm 100/pk 350.00/pack 350
1 Funnel, Plastic 40 mm  70.00/pc 70
0 Funnel,PP Plastic,75mmOD  90.00/pc 0
2 Dropper Pipet, 5ml, 500/pk 7.00/pc 14
2 Test Tube Brush  15.00/pc 30
1 Rubber Policeman 12/pk   70.00/pc 70
2 100ml Borosilicate Beaker  220.00/pc 440
2 150ml Borosilicate Beaker  230.00/pc 460
1 250ml Borosilicate Beaker 12/pk 240.00/pc 240
1 400ml Borosilicate Beaker  320.00/pc 320
1 1000ml Borosilicate Beaker 550.00/pc 550
1 Burette, Acrylic, 50ml 900.00/pc 900
1 Flask Erlenmeyer 50ml 120.00/pc 120
1 Flask Erlenmeyer 250ml 180.00/pc 180
1 Eudiometer Tube, 100ml 1,500.00/pc 1500
1 Filtering Flask, 250ml 900.00/pc 900
1 10ml Borosilicate Cylinder  350.00/pc 350
1 50ml Borosilicate Cylinder  500.00/pc 500
2 6" Stirring Rod 12/pk 55.00/pc 110
12 Test Tube,Boro,18x150mm, 12/pk           35.00/pc 420
12 Test Tube,15x125mm 12/pk   15.00/pc 180
1 100ml Volumetric Flask   300.00/pc 300
1 250ml Volumetric Flask   400.00/pc 400
1 Watch Glass 75.00/pc 75
1 Glass Tubing 1lb/pk 180.00/pc 180
1 Slides(pack of 72) 65.00/box 65
Grand Total 11794

Thanks to Patagonian Enterprises in Manila too for extending P794.00 discount to close the purchase at the amount of donations we have.

Last February 25, Mam Weng, Racky, Gilda and other friends are scheduled to fly to Tawi Tawi, and carried the items to turn over to Boloboc National high School. Thanks to Gilda for sponsoring the baggage fees :-).

Also, to our Philippine National Police Special Action Force for granting and ensuring the security of our friends.

Thanks to blogger Ian dela Pena for donating the microscope too.

To Khen for letting me know everytime of any help opportunity and genuine sacrifices and visions for Tawi Tawi.

And, If I may, once again, the TEAM BACKOUT, Mam Weng, Nars Racky, Minie, Cecille and JC who has been the arms of these little PH projects.

Earlier today, I received a message from Mam Weng that she is happy about what she has been involved into lately, and it is pleasing to know that rather than just being bothered by a remote commander in Indonesia, they feel the same happiness and satisfaction that I feel when we are able to do something.


As you may see, the quantity provided are small, and we are looking into providing a second batch of the same quantity to be on a good ratio of materials to student count. Additionally, we are looking into getting them furnished with Physics Lab Materials later, as well as DESKTOPs. If you have spare, regardless of whether used so long as still worthy, please let us know.

For Donations:

Bank Code: 010040018
Account Number: 2439 1558 52
Name on Account: Joseph Ian Macalino
Via Paypal 
Email Address:
Suggested in PHP currency to minimize devaluations. In third world, every cent counts J. Otherwise, USD will be fine. 

Click Contact for any questions or concerns. Alternatively, you may speak to Ms Weng Bulaon at 0925 755 5055.

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