Wednesday, March 9, 2016

#SULOngSULU: Tandu Bagua Primary School in Patikul, Sulu

Tonight, as I was updating the distribution plan for the #SULOngSULU project this May, I happen to browse pictures of one of the primary schools there in Patikul, Sulu. This school sits next to a road with a jungle around it, that looking at it from a distance, you would just think it is an abandoned structure. But yeah, most of them look like this anyway.

I have been to a few schools in Tawi-Tawi but based on all places I have visited in this place, nothing beats those ones in Patikul, Sulu.

Anyhow, there is not much story to post here tonight other than i'd just like to share pictures for public record of this primary school and also for my co-volunteers assigned to the distribution in this school to see where they will be heading to (so they can prepare for some reconstruction of the most we can as well perhaps). It pains me to even call it a school. 

Like I always say, it don't need to be like this if only more and more people know about what is going on in here. And surprisingly, I found a jungle bolo in a primary school.

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