Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mt Manalmon, San Miguel Bulacan

The 5 day weekend of the October-november holidays has been a great opportunity for a getaway. While we initially agreed to go beaching since it has been a while since we went to a beach, last minute consultation detoured it towards Mt. Manalmon.

I didn’t really want to go climb because of the intense heat of the weather, but it has been argued that Manalmon will be a 1hour climb so it will be ok. Likewise, there is a river within the destination where we could soak, so I gave the beach away.

It was already past 3pm when we left San Simon Pampanga where we were to meet our friends. By 7:10, we were in Madlum where we did the registration. Registration was P5/head and guide was P300/day, which makes it P600 for the overnight trip. It was our first time to do a night climb and given that it was cool, in about past 1 hour, we were already in the campsite. The final 30minutes of the treck is an estimated 65 degrees assault. There was a huge group in the camp, NASAKILAK and another set of 10, nameless. We prepared food immediately as it was past dinner time, and by 10pm, we were ready to booze.

Morning after, we left camp at 9:25 and reached the river before 10am. We prepared lunch and explored the river around. After our luncheon, we headed back to the jumpoff point in Madlum where we’ll proceed with exploring the bayukbok caves. Caving was an additional P30/head. It was 5pm when we got back to the ranger hut in Sibul/Madlum and was ready to leave by 7:15.

For some reason, I forgot to bring my headlamp charging from the socket. Madlum admin rents out gears, and for the headlamp, I paid P30. The stores in the community also have a fair price of goods. Marlboro cigarettes at P30/10sticks. Royal 1.5L at P50.

For caving, make sure to have a meal and enough rest. There will be a lot of cases where you’ll have to pull your body up and steep steps. It is a must to be on tight grip shoes as rocks could be very sharp. It is very muddy inside and it will need an extra pull on the feet to walk on. If I were to do it again, I will consider bringing a hard hat to avoid hitting your head with the stalacmites/stalagmites (don’t really know what’s the difference; too lazy to google). Mosquitto repellent would be almost necessary and ben gay for possible cramps.

A little caution, the river had uneven depth especially deep near the huge boulders of rocks. If you don’t know how to swim and have a lifevest, better have it handy.
If you’ll need to ask for directions along the way, ask for Sibul instead of madlum. According to the guide, people are more familiar with it as sibul than Madlum.

The 5 day weekend of the October-november holidays has been a great opportunity for a getaway. While we initially agreed to go beaching since it has been a while since we went to a beach, last minute consultation detoured it towards Mt. Manalmon.

I didn’t really want to go climb because of the intense heat of the weather, but it has been argued that Manalmon will be a 1hour climb so it will be ok. Likewise, there is a river within the destination where we could soak, so I gave the beach away.

It was already past 3pm when we left San Simon Pampanga where we were to meet our friends. By 7:10, we were in Madlum where we did the registration. Registration was P5/head and guide was P300/day, which makes it P600 for the overnight trip. It was our first time to do a night climb and given that it was cool, in about past 1 hour, we were already in the campsite. The final 30minutes of the treck is an estimated 65 degrees assault. There was a huge group in the camp, NASAKILAK and another set of 10, nameless. We prepared food immediately as it was past dinner time, and by 10pm, we were ready to booze.

Morning after, we left camp at 9:25 and reached the river before 10am. We prepared lunch and explored the river around. After our luncheon, we headed back to the jumpoff point in Madlum where we’ll proceed with exploring the bayukbok caves. Caving was an additional P30/head. It was 5pm when we got back to the ranger hut in Sibul/Madlum and was ready to leave by 7:15.

For some reason, I forgot to bring my headlamp charging from the socket. Madlum admin rents out gears, and for the headlamp, I paid P30. The stores in the community also have a fair price of goods. Marlboro cigarettes at P30/10sticks. Royal 1.5L at P50.

For caving, make sure to have a meal and enough rest. There will be a lot of cases where you’ll have to pull your body up and steep steps. It is a must to be on tight grip shoes as rocks could be very sharp. It is very muddy inside and it will need an extra pull on the feet to walk on. If I were to do it again, I will consider bringing a hard hat to avoid hitting your head with the stalacmites/stalagmites (don’t really know what’s the difference; too lazy to google). Mosquitto repellent would be almost necessary and ben gay for possible cramps.

A little caution, the river had uneven depth especially deep near the huge boulders of rocks. If you don’t know how to swim and have a lifevest, better have it handy.
If you’ll need to ask for directions along the way, ask for Sibul instead of madlum. According to the guide, people are more familiar with it as sibul than Madlum.

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bataan Bataan...O Bataan

In the search for a less than a thousand peso per pax 2 day weekend destination, and having nowhere more to go in zambales and pangasinan, I thought we might give Bataan a try.

I must admit I've heard a lot about the waves in bataan, and I've seen a lot about it's not so appealing sand and water, but for this weekend, i've thought about giving in to whatever it has to offer.

Through some research, again, with my bestfriend GOOGLE, maps and search :-), I've come acccross a Talaga Beach in Mariveles where the Marcoses had put up a rest house that did not really complete. That beach, as well as the nearby coves Kawayan and Nagbayog plus the Balon Anito hot spring were the places of interest for this itinerary.

Then came the bad news. The site has been guarded from public and it has been long time closed for visit. Dang!!! why hadn't any post mentioned that. Then again, I thought we can manage to slide an appeal when we get there. This is not my very first encounter of such sort.

At the town proper, we got off to have lunch and to buy some goods for dinner and the meals and snacks thereafter. It felt odd that there weren't as much eateries around at the town proper. Apart from jollibee which we chose to ignore, we spotted 4 diners; 1 seemed close; Another, on the ground floor of a lodge, serves burgers, pastas etc which are unappetizing on a trip; Another had no rice; And, finally, the last had it all; local variants of our native dishes... and, they have rice :-).

Whenever I get to these coastal areas, I crave for fish in coconut milk. I took the "Tulingan" where a slice was only at P20.

Right after the meal, walking back to the barangay hall, we stopped by a grocery to get some stuff for the meals thereafter. And since we our car is right next to the hall, I took the time to ask some of the officials in the hall about the Talaga Beach.

Unfortunately, they have confirmed that the beach, upon private ownership, has been closed to public; The officials said that even them couldn't get permission to get to the beach.

We still didn't lose hope. What I had been holding to was that probably, when we get there, upon knowing that we've driven all the way from pampanga to that beach, we'll somehow allowed for a few hours or so. And, there's just no way im giving it up.

From the IPAG barangay hall itself, the roads go even narrower and the elevation becomes steeper; not to mention the fact the the pavement is totally damaged. Moving forward is a trail of several junkshops and we got confused whether what we're getting to is a nature escape or hell of trash. Coming further beyond the junk shops, it's paradise. The mossy greenery highlights the sculpture of the mountains; Yet, too bad, the mountain next to Nagbayog had a dump site for some rubbish. It's was a blemish for the view.

Few pictures after, we moved ahead and got to the gate and fence for the property. It was a tall and wide gate where you can't see anything beyond unless you come close and peep from the gaps. There were some residents herding their goats and we asked about what we've been told regarding entry. Again, unfortunately, they said, the guards won't allow so. After these several consultations, and looking at how well the property has been bordered, I was kind of getting pessimistic.

From the gaps, we could see a man sleeping with his head over a table. He seems drunk. We had to yell and keeping it louder for about 20 mins before we got him to wake up and notice us. He signalled for us to come in, and I glided my fingers through the gap to get the gate opened. There were a number of dogs (whoofff!). There was a cabin next to the table and another man stood up and spoke to us. I told him about our plans. He asked us as to where we've come to know about the beach, and we've told them it was through the internet.

Well, he said nothing but "No, we don't allow visits" yada yada (and in a sarcastic tone). There was no sign he was going to allow us in any way, so we gave it up. We went out and took some time to think of where to head next. That point itself starts the disaster.

The itinerary was for that beach and the nearby coves. However, my friend who owns the car won't want to leave the car just anywhere (though we've asked everyone if it'll be safe to leave it on the roadside and they said yes). Had it been my car, I wouldn't really mind just leaving it there; But then again, it's not mine, and it's my friend's first investment. Also, almost all the locals we've spoken to had this tone of voice that seemed arrogant. We were not so sure about their hospitality; Also, it was a sunday, and this day is an alcohol day for the provinces; Someone might just play tripping on anything; There were a lot of drunk men along. Also, the place was a junk shop central. There's just too many reason not to trust to leave the car on the roadside.

We had to run back to the town proper and seek some alternative camp site. We asked for what other beaches are great and the people kept pointing to Porto, which is also the jump off point to Camaya coast and Lusong beach. When we got there, I couldn't find any sign of a beach -- it's a Port. I asked for how much is the boat ride to Wain Beach (some say it's now part of Camaya Coast) and/or Lusong Beach, and the boatman said P600. The charge was ok, but looking at the 4foot waves and his boat, and considering that there'll be no lifevest, I'd rather not risk it.

Meantime, while I was making talks and arrangement about the boatride, my friends whom we left in the car took the time to ask the locals. Since our aim was a white (or close to white) sand beach, a local was pointing us to Bagac, where her brother grows cashews. She said it's white sand. Since Porto, Anvaya, and Lusong aren't viable options, we had no choice but to move away.

Along the way, just next to the Balon Anito barangay hall is the hot spring, so we checked it out. There were 2 ladies having their feet soaked while chatting, so...we did the same thing :-) . From the surface, I couldn't see anything but green due to the molds that has grown around its mouth.  Some more people came and I asked about the water. Just like what is said on the other blogs, they claim that the tub is a crater. It's quite deep and nobody knows how exactly deep it is.

Few minutes after, we took the roads again; driving all the way back to Balanga city. In the car, we were having a discussion of where exactly to go. I was having some doubts about going to Bagac as it will be close to 50kilometers away. So, since it'll be along the way, we agreed to first check out the Sisiman Bay and the Aguawan Beach also in Mariveles.

The entry point to these bays is actually right next to the Mariveles viewdeck. Inward, we come close again to the great landscape of the mountains ruined by mining. Closer to the coast, we see the fishing community. The smell of the air could tell how great fishing (and not swimming) will be. From a kilometer distance, you could also see aguawan beach, and it's just not our taste. So, we took a U turn. I pleaded that we check out the other side of the sisiman bay so I can take a picture of the lighthouse. My friends humbly agreed.

On the other side there are hut's (on rental) that they've put up for tourists. Unfortunately, rubbish was everywhere and again, I got disgusted - simply by how lack of interest the people have about promoting and protecting their naturally gifted community. The idea would have been nice; like spending overnight on a bay, with a backdrop of the mountains; But with a carpet of trash...??? urrrggghhh... not really.

So, back to the original plan: Drive to Bagac.  It was already dark when we got back to the viewdeck on the highway.

Since we were thinking that by the time we reach Bagac, all stores would have closed, we stopped to get ice on a store along Gov J J National highway. We took the chance again to ask about the beaches and they confirmed some (none specifically) in Bagac, but, as they say, more in Morong (Oh well, that's further to the borders).

Nearing Bagac, I asked my friend about the details of the beach we are going to. To my surprise, she has nothing but a name, and some cues like it's next to a La Salle School. I asked her how we could possibly get to the place with just a name. She said that she was told to ask around for the person when we get to Banawang in Bagac. I got totally disappointed. But since we didn't have a choice, and I felt awkward if i'd be brag my ass, so we went ahead.

When we got to barangay Banawang, as suggested, we asked for the person. To my total astonishment, the guy said "He won't be there now. He is in the beachside on the daytime, but at nightime, they stay in Brgy Pagasa." Huwoooowwww! I wondered what the population size in the area was. Not only do they know the person, but also his whereabouts on a specific time: How about that?

Anyhow, we asked for how to get to the highly anticipated beach and he said drive further until we see the sign for the school. Several kilometers away and several people asked and told to drive further, we realized we've might have gone too far. (Oh yes, and I recall, one local we asked for about the La Salle school, had asked: "U mean the school in Manila?" Hello sir,,,what could be a reason we'll ask for a school in Manila when we are a few hundred kilometers away in Bataan?????). The next person we asked, he said we're several kilometers past. That time we got sick of directions and instructions and we called it off. "Let's head elsewhere". Everybody was tired at that time, we just basically asked for what's the next beach we could camp at.. and again, the greatest advice "drive further"

The closest beach from there on is that where the Pawikan Center is. We drove in and when we got there, the air was just too warm, I don't think I could afford the heat. We got back in the car and drove again. By this time we were already in Nagbalayong in Morong. From the entry point, a lady stopped us and asked for P10 per head entry fee. It was obviously nothing official, but for that amount, we didn't bother to interrogate.

Forward, the resorts are one after another. We asked for the rates and no one would take us for anything less than a thousand bucks just to camp. And, I was in no way going to pay that considering we'll just be camping and only for the few hours of the night. We scouted further and I noticed one resort that seemed to have been abandoned. There's a group partying within, and I asked them where we could park, camp and spend the night. They called us in and were charging us P400 all in all; I closed at P200.

My friends were kind of scared, but I told them, we're cool. Frantically speaking, I'm an avid drinker before and I knew how to roll the dice with such people. So we settled, cooked, bathed, took a few shots of gin, and slept. It rained at the middle of the night, but everyone was just too tired and deeply asleep to bother. Good thing we had all our stuff settled in the car for a swift fly the morning after.

By the time I woke up, my friends would have already done cooking and taken all the nasty pictures of me asleep. And, darn it, I couldn't imagine the beach. The waves were too strong, the water was so diluted. I couldn't find an answer as to why there are even resorts there (and charging that much). After the meal, we cleaned, packed up real quick and set on the roads again. It was endless driving. By this time, we have already accepted the fact that the trip was a bluff and we would just be taking chances of whatever is on the way ahead.

We checked out the other beaches in Poblacion, but it was the same. Then, we stopped by Sabang, where the waves are a little calmer and water is a bit clearer. We would have been better off camping there, but it's still not my type of beach. After a few pictures, we hit the roads again. Passed by Anvaya cove and took some pictures of the landmark.

Looking at my google maps, we wanted to see the bay in Mabayo but a passer by said it was just a fishing community. By then, we were pointed to Minanga, and checked out directions on my maps. The beach in Minanga was the best so far. The water was clear, the rock formation were great, the sand was lighter in color and it was rather a small cove that's more tranquil; But again, the trash is everywhere. Again, a few good pictures, and we walked back towards the car. The final target we have in mind this time are those ones in Subic, which on google maps, appear to have the brightest color in terms of sand.

The vicinity is already within the bataan side of the SBMA zone. The road is towards Ocean and Treetop Adventure and we had to get in the Subic Forest Adventure Park. We drove all the way to an abandoned amusement park (It was creepy being there, like I was in a horror movie). We tried leaving the car at the park entry, but it was way too long walk. After about 500m of walking, we decided to get the car in.

It would have been our perfect campsite; Trees around and bay next to them. No other people or any sort. I had the idea that the beach was actually a part of the amusement business. There was a wide sandbar and the shore was perhaps about 100 more meters away. I wasn't perfectly sure whether it was the beach I was wanting to see but at that time, my phone was empty and I couldn't check. After touring the place, we decided to get back to the car. I have insisted that we roam further and check out the other beaches, but we were just too tired, stinking, and it was just time to get home. Besides, all our devices are battery empty and we won't have any pictures anyway. In the end, I had to wipe my skin with the water that has melted out of the ice to clean up a bit. We couldn't help laughing at the fact that out of the 9 beaches we've gone too, this is how we end up just to get wet.

On the way back, we took some meals in SBMA and drove home. We may have not gotten what we wanted, but having toured around bataan, taken all that much pictures of any beach we can possibly get, and considering we each spent only P700 for all that, it was still worth the fun. I'd certainly get back to that last beach we went to (and certainly including the other beaches next to it). But, of course, this time, we'll take the SBMA route :-)...Straight! direct! no Dinalupihan, Orani, Balanga, Mariveles, Bagac thing of a bitch. :-)

In the search for a less than a thousand peso per pax 2 day weekend destination, and having nowhere more to go in zambales and pangasinan, I thought we might give Bataan a try.

I must admit I've heard a lot about the waves in bataan, and I've seen a lot about it's not so appealing sand and water, but for this weekend, i've thought about giving in to whatever it has to offer.

Through some research, again, with my bestfriend GOOGLE, maps and search :-), I've come acccross a Talaga Beach in Mariveles where the Marcoses had put up a rest house that did not really complete. That beach, as well as the nearby coves Kawayan and Nagbayog plus the Balon Anito hot spring were the places of interest for this itinerary.

Then came the bad news. The site has been guarded from public and it has been long time closed for visit. Dang!!! why hadn't any post mentioned that. Then again, I thought we can manage to slide an appeal when we get there. This is not my very first encounter of such sort.

At the town proper, we got off to have lunch and to buy some goods for dinner and the meals and snacks thereafter. It felt odd that there weren't as much eateries around at the town proper. Apart from jollibee which we chose to ignore, we spotted 4 diners; 1 seemed close; Another, on the ground floor of a lodge, serves burgers, pastas etc which are unappetizing on a trip; Another had no rice; And, finally, the last had it all; local variants of our native dishes... and, they have rice :-).

Whenever I get to these coastal areas, I crave for fish in coconut milk. I took the "Tulingan" where a slice was only at P20.

Right after the meal, walking back to the barangay hall, we stopped by a grocery to get some stuff for the meals thereafter. And since we our car is right next to the hall, I took the time to ask some of the officials in the hall about the Talaga Beach.

Unfortunately, they have confirmed that the beach, upon private ownership, has been closed to public; The officials said that even them couldn't get permission to get to the beach.

We still didn't lose hope. What I had been holding to was that probably, when we get there, upon knowing that we've driven all the way from pampanga to that beach, we'll somehow allowed for a few hours or so. And, there's just no way im giving it up.

From the IPAG barangay hall itself, the roads go even narrower and the elevation becomes steeper; not to mention the fact the the pavement is totally damaged. Moving forward is a trail of several junkshops and we got confused whether what we're getting to is a nature escape or hell of trash. Coming further beyond the junk shops, it's paradise. The mossy greenery highlights the sculpture of the mountains; Yet, too bad, the mountain next to Nagbayog had a dump site for some rubbish. It's was a blemish for the view.

Few pictures after, we moved ahead and got to the gate and fence for the property. It was a tall and wide gate where you can't see anything beyond unless you come close and peep from the gaps. There were some residents herding their goats and we asked about what we've been told regarding entry. Again, unfortunately, they said, the guards won't allow so. After these several consultations, and looking at how well the property has been bordered, I was kind of getting pessimistic.

From the gaps, we could see a man sleeping with his head over a table. He seems drunk. We had to yell and keeping it louder for about 20 mins before we got him to wake up and notice us. He signalled for us to come in, and I glided my fingers through the gap to get the gate opened. There were a number of dogs (whoofff!). There was a cabin next to the table and another man stood up and spoke to us. I told him about our plans. He asked us as to where we've come to know about the beach, and we've told them it was through the internet.

Well, he said nothing but "No, we don't allow visits" yada yada (and in a sarcastic tone). There was no sign he was going to allow us in any way, so we gave it up. We went out and took some time to think of where to head next. That point itself starts the disaster.

The itinerary was for that beach and the nearby coves. However, my friend who owns the car won't want to leave the car just anywhere (though we've asked everyone if it'll be safe to leave it on the roadside and they said yes). Had it been my car, I wouldn't really mind just leaving it there; But then again, it's not mine, and it's my friend's first investment. Also, almost all the locals we've spoken to had this tone of voice that seemed arrogant. We were not so sure about their hospitality; Also, it was a sunday, and this day is an alcohol day for the provinces; Someone might just play tripping on anything; There were a lot of drunk men along. Also, the place was a junk shop central. There's just too many reason not to trust to leave the car on the roadside.

We had to run back to the town proper and seek some alternative camp site. We asked for what other beaches are great and the people kept pointing to Porto, which is also the jump off point to Camaya coast and Lusong beach. When we got there, I couldn't find any sign of a beach -- it's a Port. I asked for how much is the boat ride to Wain Beach (some say it's now part of Camaya Coast) and/or Lusong Beach, and the boatman said P600. The charge was ok, but looking at the 4foot waves and his boat, and considering that there'll be no lifevest, I'd rather not risk it.

Meantime, while I was making talks and arrangement about the boatride, my friends whom we left in the car took the time to ask the locals. Since our aim was a white (or close to white) sand beach, a local was pointing us to Bagac, where her brother grows cashews. She said it's white sand. Since Porto, Anvaya, and Lusong aren't viable options, we had no choice but to move away.

Along the way, just next to the Balon Anito barangay hall is the hot spring, so we checked it out. There were 2 ladies having their feet soaked while chatting, so...we did the same thing :-) . From the surface, I couldn't see anything but green due to the molds that has grown around its mouth.  Some more people came and I asked about the water. Just like what is said on the other blogs, they claim that the tub is a crater. It's quite deep and nobody knows how exactly deep it is.

Few minutes after, we took the roads again; driving all the way back to Balanga city. In the car, we were having a discussion of where exactly to go. I was having some doubts about going to Bagac as it will be close to 50kilometers away. So, since it'll be along the way, we agreed to first check out the Sisiman Bay and the Aguawan Beach also in Mariveles.

The entry point to these bays is actually right next to the Mariveles viewdeck. Inward, we come close again to the great landscape of the mountains ruined by mining. Closer to the coast, we see the fishing community. The smell of the air could tell how great fishing (and not swimming) will be. From a kilometer distance, you could also see aguawan beach, and it's just not our taste. So, we took a U turn. I pleaded that we check out the other side of the sisiman bay so I can take a picture of the lighthouse. My friends humbly agreed.

On the other side there are hut's (on rental) that they've put up for tourists. Unfortunately, rubbish was everywhere and again, I got disgusted - simply by how lack of interest the people have about promoting and protecting their naturally gifted community. The idea would have been nice; like spending overnight on a bay, with a backdrop of the mountains; But with a carpet of trash...??? urrrggghhh... not really.

So, back to the original plan: Drive to Bagac.  It was already dark when we got back to the viewdeck on the highway.

Since we were thinking that by the time we reach Bagac, all stores would have closed, we stopped to get ice on a store along Gov J J National highway. We took the chance again to ask about the beaches and they confirmed some (none specifically) in Bagac, but, as they say, more in Morong (Oh well, that's further to the borders).

Nearing Bagac, I asked my friend about the details of the beach we are going to. To my surprise, she has nothing but a name, and some cues like it's next to a La Salle School. I asked her how we could possibly get to the place with just a name. She said that she was told to ask around for the person when we get to Banawang in Bagac. I got totally disappointed. But since we didn't have a choice, and I felt awkward if i'd be brag my ass, so we went ahead.

When we got to barangay Banawang, as suggested, we asked for the person. To my total astonishment, the guy said "He won't be there now. He is in the beachside on the daytime, but at nightime, they stay in Brgy Pagasa." Huwoooowwww! I wondered what the population size in the area was. Not only do they know the person, but also his whereabouts on a specific time: How about that?

Anyhow, we asked for how to get to the highly anticipated beach and he said drive further until we see the sign for the school. Several kilometers away and several people asked and told to drive further, we realized we've might have gone too far. (Oh yes, and I recall, one local we asked for about the La Salle school, had asked: "U mean the school in Manila?" Hello sir,,,what could be a reason we'll ask for a school in Manila when we are a few hundred kilometers away in Bataan?????). The next person we asked, he said we're several kilometers past. That time we got sick of directions and instructions and we called it off. "Let's head elsewhere". Everybody was tired at that time, we just basically asked for what's the next beach we could camp at.. and again, the greatest advice "drive further"

The closest beach from there on is that where the Pawikan Center is. We drove in and when we got there, the air was just too warm, I don't think I could afford the heat. We got back in the car and drove again. By this time we were already in Nagbalayong in Morong. From the entry point, a lady stopped us and asked for P10 per head entry fee. It was obviously nothing official, but for that amount, we didn't bother to interrogate.

Forward, the resorts are one after another. We asked for the rates and no one would take us for anything less than a thousand bucks just to camp. And, I was in no way going to pay that considering we'll just be camping and only for the few hours of the night. We scouted further and I noticed one resort that seemed to have been abandoned. There's a group partying within, and I asked them where we could park, camp and spend the night. They called us in and were charging us P400 all in all; I closed at P200.

My friends were kind of scared, but I told them, we're cool. Frantically speaking, I'm an avid drinker before and I knew how to roll the dice with such people. So we settled, cooked, bathed, took a few shots of gin, and slept. It rained at the middle of the night, but everyone was just too tired and deeply asleep to bother. Good thing we had all our stuff settled in the car for a swift fly the morning after.

By the time I woke up, my friends would have already done cooking and taken all the nasty pictures of me asleep. And, darn it, I couldn't imagine the beach. The waves were too strong, the water was so diluted. I couldn't find an answer as to why there are even resorts there (and charging that much). After the meal, we cleaned, packed up real quick and set on the roads again. It was endless driving. By this time, we have already accepted the fact that the trip was a bluff and we would just be taking chances of whatever is on the way ahead.

We checked out the other beaches in Poblacion, but it was the same. Then, we stopped by Sabang, where the waves are a little calmer and water is a bit clearer. We would have been better off camping there, but it's still not my type of beach. After a few pictures, we hit the roads again. Passed by Anvaya cove and took some pictures of the landmark.

Looking at my google maps, we wanted to see the bay in Mabayo but a passer by said it was just a fishing community. By then, we were pointed to Minanga, and checked out directions on my maps. The beach in Minanga was the best so far. The water was clear, the rock formation were great, the sand was lighter in color and it was rather a small cove that's more tranquil; But again, the trash is everywhere. Again, a few good pictures, and we walked back towards the car. The final target we have in mind this time are those ones in Subic, which on google maps, appear to have the brightest color in terms of sand.

The vicinity is already within the bataan side of the SBMA zone. The road is towards Ocean and Treetop Adventure and we had to get in the Subic Forest Adventure Park. We drove all the way to an abandoned amusement park (It was creepy being there, like I was in a horror movie). We tried leaving the car at the park entry, but it was way too long walk. After about 500m of walking, we decided to get the car in.

It would have been our perfect campsite; Trees around and bay next to them. No other people or any sort. I had the idea that the beach was actually a part of the amusement business. There was a wide sandbar and the shore was perhaps about 100 more meters away. I wasn't perfectly sure whether it was the beach I was wanting to see but at that time, my phone was empty and I couldn't check. After touring the place, we decided to get back to the car. I have insisted that we roam further and check out the other beaches, but we were just too tired, stinking, and it was just time to get home. Besides, all our devices are battery empty and we won't have any pictures anyway. In the end, I had to wipe my skin with the water that has melted out of the ice to clean up a bit. We couldn't help laughing at the fact that out of the 9 beaches we've gone too, this is how we end up just to get wet.

On the way back, we took some meals in SBMA and drove home. We may have not gotten what we wanted, but having toured around bataan, taken all that much pictures of any beach we can possibly get, and considering we each spent only P700 for all that, it was still worth the fun. I'd certainly get back to that last beach we went to (and certainly including the other beaches next to it). But, of course, this time, we'll take the SBMA route :-)...Straight! direct! no Dinalupihan, Orani, Balanga, Mariveles, Bagac thing of a bitch. :-)

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nagsasa Cove and Typhoon Mina

river crossing in mt nagsasa

Everyone knows about Nagsasa as the cove next to Anawangin, the more popular tourist infested cove accessed through Brgy. Pundakit in San Antonio , Zambales. Lately, my hike group had agreed to prioritize on mountains that have available water for wash such as falls, rivers, or beach. After Mt. Tarak, we have set for trekking Mt. Nagsasa.

team mt nagsasa cum typhoon mina

second major river in mt nagsasa had to be crossed with a rope

The date has been set, Aug 27-28. And 2 days before the scheduled climb, the weather bureau reports an imminent typhoon. By this time, everyone was saying “rain or shine, we’ll push it through.” However, the night before the climb, there has been serious hesitation as the storm signal rose to 4 on some areas, which no storm has gone such strong until so long ago. Back that up by the blogged casualties of hikers in Anawangin who did it at the middle of a typhoon.  Nevertheless, there has been no final decision about any alternative so everyone was still set.
The meeting time was at 7am in Petron Subic. It was a rainy morning, and though the seniors were a little late, good thing they still showed up.

trekking mt nagsasa

then heavier rains poured in mt nagsasa

As soon as they got off their vehicle and shook hands, the greeting was “are we pushing through, or we rather go All Hands Beach in Subic?” For one, I’d want it to push through; Second, All Hands beach does not strike an appeal at all.

darker rainclouds as we elevate in mt nagsasa
delirious in mt nagsasa
While we were waiting for them, we, the younger, more daring ones, were already talking about how to get them to agree. Since we have our contact person “Chief” already waiting in Jollibee along the Subic Highway, they agreed to talk it over with this person so we can have a first person point of view of the risks (though we consider the fact that there might be some misleading points in the talk since this person would want to make money).
We went to Jollibee and we let them talk with Chief along with our climb master. Meantime, I did not really bother about whatever decision there is. I saw a “tiangge” nearby and checked whether I could scout a raincoat. By the time I get back, it has been agreed that we’d get to the jump off point, make assessment, and then perhaps, push it through but in the event that we see any potential danger, we’ll back off.

major major

bad weather worst than mayweather
And so there we are...the sun’s just shone brighter. When we got to the jump off point, we fixed our stuff quite quickly so we could attract more optimism from the seniors. They had to raise some more hesitation, but again, our spirits and energy were high enough. We kicked it off with a prayer from Chief (who happens to teach Christianity among the aetas) and took the first step; It was almost 12noon then.

trekking Mt Nagsasa

my pants signed off and so i had to change to short format; trekking Mt Nagsasa

Everywhere is wet, and just a rough 200m away from the jump off point is a river. We crossed the river quite easily though some were soaking wet as the water was high up to their waste. It was still somehow bright, the view of the mountains and the falls were amazing, everybody forgot there’s actually a typhoon. It would rain every so often just as often as I’ll have to take and put in my raincoat. The trail was simple and easy I’d have to say; Towards the summit, we had to walk on the ridge, where the trail was perhaps only 12 inches in width. At one point, there was a wide rock which some had a difficulty hopping over. By the time we got up, the wind was blowing so strong; Luckily, the clouds were still clear and we got a nice view of the nagsasa beach. We had to take pictures clearly as we see the rainclouds approaching. A good 15 minutes break at the summit, we went ahead. We crossed another river and this time, we had to get assistance from the porters to assist in the crossing. From the summit forward, it was another 4 hours walk to the beach. There was a chromite mining we spotted along. Then, just half an hour before reaching the beach, there is another 40feet wide river that has to be crossed. This time, we held hands to cross through. Everyone would have already peed in their pants and washed it through the river.

major river 2 in mt nagsasa
another river to cross in mt nagsasa
By the time we got to the beach, we rushed to setup our tent as the winds blew strong. The ground was sand and the pegs can’t hold a good grip for the tent. Some had to get bamboo sticks to use as pegs. In our case, we pitched under the shaded cottages and dropped the tables so we could shield the wind pressure.  Two of the group’s tent got wet and so we had to fit in to each other’s tent. We also pulled the tables and laid them under the shaded cottages so others have somewhere to sleep. I had to sleep on a hammock I tied in the cottage.

where (rivers) ends meet! funnel that ultimately leads to the sea

this was sweet; final river crossing towards the beach in mt nagsasa
We had our regular dinner and had to finish off from fellowship very early; Everyone was just so sleepy because of the weather. The night was quite cold and unfortunately, I wasn’t so prepared with a blanket. All I had was a sweater and I had to fit my legs onto the sleeves just to get warm. By half past five, the rain dropped fast and strong. And even if we were already on a shaded cottage, we still got wet. We didn’t have a choice but to stand up and perhaps prepare for breakfast.

While we planned on staying for a while for beach activities, the waves were just so strong you’d think you’re in la union or aurora; Roughly 2 meters high.

final pic before descend

and this basin was almost empty the day before
By 9 am, we packed up. I cooked whatever could be cooked so we have some trail food; Thank God I did because it took us past dinner time already when we finished the trail.

you can't help swim it in the river

trekking Mt Nagsasa

the second to the last river had to be rappelled

It was a whole day of strong winds and rain. The rain was so strong you can’t even look back to see how far off others are. The pressure of the water drops would feel like being hit by a kid’s pellet gun. The wind was so strong you have to drop to your feet so it doesn’t blow you away, especially on the ridge part. The whole trail has just turned into a river stream. The rocks had been so loose that you have to check whether they’d roll or not before putting your whole body weight on it. Put all than in, plus the fact that I was on the ridge and on the summit, I got scared I must admit. You don’t see anything but white. In a matter of minutes, everything would be covered by nimbus clouds; would clear up for a good 2-3 minutes, and back to white again. And for those times that the cloud would clear up, I’d look at how far I am from the jump off point – hours to count. The only relief for me is the fact that it is a great experience to get through these challenges.

In crossing rivers, we had to tie a rope and rappel through, one at a time. Thank God one of the seniors brought one. Had we not have that rappel, there was no way we’d get through safe. We might have spent the day and night there. It was past 7pm when we crossed the final river. I didn’t even have a head lamp and thank God I had a Nokia basic phone with a flashlight that I turned off before the climb.
We were so relieved to finish it safe and sound. The danger wasn’t even potential; It was there. We just had to survive it. And since everyone was hungry, we agreed to drop by Aristocrat SBMA for a full dinner. Everyone’s leg were soar. One of the waiters had to ask why all of us in the very long table were walking strangely.

river crossing in mt nagsasa

Everyone knows about Nagsasa as the cove next to Anawangin, the more popular tourist infested cove accessed through Brgy. Pundakit in San Antonio , Zambales. Lately, my hike group had agreed to prioritize on mountains that have available water for wash such as falls, rivers, or beach. After Mt. Tarak, we have set for trekking Mt. Nagsasa.

team mt nagsasa cum typhoon mina

second major river in mt nagsasa had to be crossed with a rope

The date has been set, Aug 27-28. And 2 days before the scheduled climb, the weather bureau reports an imminent typhoon. By this time, everyone was saying “rain or shine, we’ll push it through.” However, the night before the climb, there has been serious hesitation as the storm signal rose to 4 on some areas, which no storm has gone such strong until so long ago. Back that up by the blogged casualties of hikers in Anawangin who did it at the middle of a typhoon.  Nevertheless, there has been no final decision about any alternative so everyone was still set.
The meeting time was at 7am in Petron Subic. It was a rainy morning, and though the seniors were a little late, good thing they still showed up.

trekking mt nagsasa

then heavier rains poured in mt nagsasa

As soon as they got off their vehicle and shook hands, the greeting was “are we pushing through, or we rather go All Hands Beach in Subic?” For one, I’d want it to push through; Second, All Hands beach does not strike an appeal at all.

darker rainclouds as we elevate in mt nagsasa
delirious in mt nagsasa
While we were waiting for them, we, the younger, more daring ones, were already talking about how to get them to agree. Since we have our contact person “Chief” already waiting in Jollibee along the Subic Highway, they agreed to talk it over with this person so we can have a first person point of view of the risks (though we consider the fact that there might be some misleading points in the talk since this person would want to make money).
We went to Jollibee and we let them talk with Chief along with our climb master. Meantime, I did not really bother about whatever decision there is. I saw a “tiangge” nearby and checked whether I could scout a raincoat. By the time I get back, it has been agreed that we’d get to the jump off point, make assessment, and then perhaps, push it through but in the event that we see any potential danger, we’ll back off.

major major

bad weather worst than mayweather
And so there we are...the sun’s just shone brighter. When we got to the jump off point, we fixed our stuff quite quickly so we could attract more optimism from the seniors. They had to raise some more hesitation, but again, our spirits and energy were high enough. We kicked it off with a prayer from Chief (who happens to teach Christianity among the aetas) and took the first step; It was almost 12noon then.

trekking Mt Nagsasa

my pants signed off and so i had to change to short format; trekking Mt Nagsasa

Everywhere is wet, and just a rough 200m away from the jump off point is a river. We crossed the river quite easily though some were soaking wet as the water was high up to their waste. It was still somehow bright, the view of the mountains and the falls were amazing, everybody forgot there’s actually a typhoon. It would rain every so often just as often as I’ll have to take and put in my raincoat. The trail was simple and easy I’d have to say; Towards the summit, we had to walk on the ridge, where the trail was perhaps only 12 inches in width. At one point, there was a wide rock which some had a difficulty hopping over. By the time we got up, the wind was blowing so strong; Luckily, the clouds were still clear and we got a nice view of the nagsasa beach. We had to take pictures clearly as we see the rainclouds approaching. A good 15 minutes break at the summit, we went ahead. We crossed another river and this time, we had to get assistance from the porters to assist in the crossing. From the summit forward, it was another 4 hours walk to the beach. There was a chromite mining we spotted along. Then, just half an hour before reaching the beach, there is another 40feet wide river that has to be crossed. This time, we held hands to cross through. Everyone would have already peed in their pants and washed it through the river.

major river 2 in mt nagsasa
another river to cross in mt nagsasa
By the time we got to the beach, we rushed to setup our tent as the winds blew strong. The ground was sand and the pegs can’t hold a good grip for the tent. Some had to get bamboo sticks to use as pegs. In our case, we pitched under the shaded cottages and dropped the tables so we could shield the wind pressure.  Two of the group’s tent got wet and so we had to fit in to each other’s tent. We also pulled the tables and laid them under the shaded cottages so others have somewhere to sleep. I had to sleep on a hammock I tied in the cottage.

where (rivers) ends meet! funnel that ultimately leads to the sea

this was sweet; final river crossing towards the beach in mt nagsasa
We had our regular dinner and had to finish off from fellowship very early; Everyone was just so sleepy because of the weather. The night was quite cold and unfortunately, I wasn’t so prepared with a blanket. All I had was a sweater and I had to fit my legs onto the sleeves just to get warm. By half past five, the rain dropped fast and strong. And even if we were already on a shaded cottage, we still got wet. We didn’t have a choice but to stand up and perhaps prepare for breakfast.

While we planned on staying for a while for beach activities, the waves were just so strong you’d think you’re in la union or aurora; Roughly 2 meters high.

final pic before descend

and this basin was almost empty the day before
By 9 am, we packed up. I cooked whatever could be cooked so we have some trail food; Thank God I did because it took us past dinner time already when we finished the trail.

you can't help swim it in the river

trekking Mt Nagsasa

the second to the last river had to be rappelled

It was a whole day of strong winds and rain. The rain was so strong you can’t even look back to see how far off others are. The pressure of the water drops would feel like being hit by a kid’s pellet gun. The wind was so strong you have to drop to your feet so it doesn’t blow you away, especially on the ridge part. The whole trail has just turned into a river stream. The rocks had been so loose that you have to check whether they’d roll or not before putting your whole body weight on it. Put all than in, plus the fact that I was on the ridge and on the summit, I got scared I must admit. You don’t see anything but white. In a matter of minutes, everything would be covered by nimbus clouds; would clear up for a good 2-3 minutes, and back to white again. And for those times that the cloud would clear up, I’d look at how far I am from the jump off point – hours to count. The only relief for me is the fact that it is a great experience to get through these challenges.

In crossing rivers, we had to tie a rope and rappel through, one at a time. Thank God one of the seniors brought one. Had we not have that rappel, there was no way we’d get through safe. We might have spent the day and night there. It was past 7pm when we crossed the final river. I didn’t even have a head lamp and thank God I had a Nokia basic phone with a flashlight that I turned off before the climb.
We were so relieved to finish it safe and sound. The danger wasn’t even potential; It was there. We just had to survive it. And since everyone was hungry, we agreed to drop by Aristocrat SBMA for a full dinner. Everyone’s leg were soar. One of the waiters had to ask why all of us in the very long table were walking strangely.

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